《福尔摩斯:罪与罚》是Focus Home Interactive公布的Frogwares公司开发的解迷冒险游戏,这款《福尔摩斯》系列新作将着重改变图像和游戏体验。
《福尔摩斯:罪与罚》是Frogwares Studio公司第一次放弃他们自制的图形引擎,改用虚幻3引擎打造,环境将更为现实,拥有细致的动态光照和阴影。选择这个引擎也让游戏受益于许多技术,流畅的动作和动画转换,实时着色和粒子系统等等。
Since early 2000, the Sherlock Holmes series of six video games for PC captivated millions of players around the world. In 2012, the famous detective’s latest investigation--The Testament of Sherlock Holmes--abandoned the traditional point & click gameplay and, in a revolution for the series, created a genuine third-person gaming experience befitting consoles and PCS. The title earned praise from players and critics despite some minor technical glitches and brought the famous detective to a wider audience.
The new Sherlock Holmes game Crimes and Punishments will build upon that success with important changes on the graphical side as well as the game experience side.
For the first time ever, Frogwares Studio will abandon their homemade graphics engine. The latest adventures of Sherlock Holmes will be developed on Epic’s Unreal Engine 3, allowing the series to jump far ahead of previous installments in graphical quality. Environments will be more realistic and finely detailed with dynamic lighting and shadows. Choosing this engine also lets the game benefit from many technologies like a powerful animation engine for smooth movement and animation transitions, real-time shaders and a particle system, and advanced post-processing effects.
Unlike the previous adventures of Sherlock Holmes, in Crimes and Punishments you will not be a mere spectator during the detective’s investigation. It is now your turn to truly become Sherlock Holmes and lead your own investigation--actually, your investigations, as 8 captivating cases await you! Murders, disappearances, spectacular thefts, and other investigations will bring you to the cutting edge of the detective genre and these cases will be the bread and butter of this game, written in the pure tradition of Conan Doyle’s novels. Each case offers real freedom to players, who will have to make important moral choices instead of simply enforcing justice by the book. All decisions have an influence in the game and affect your character’s reputation in addition to having realistic, sometimes unexpected, consequences. You will have to bear the weight of your choices, as Crimes and Punishments offers an exciting system of actions/consequences that forces players to think before acting by giving true depth to every decision they make.
In Crimes and Punishments, players will embody a Sherlock Holmes with a brand new look. Developers at Frogwares have abandoned the classic Sherlock Holmes inspired by the 60s Sherlock movies, replacing him with a more modern character perfectly matching the new artistic ambitions of the title.
The development of Crimes & Punishments on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC is advancing quickly. The new investigation game developed by Frogwares takes this opportunity to unveil a series of 4 new screenshots, testimony of the progress made on the game since its last appearance. This new ambitious title in the series of the Sherlock Holmes investigation games will be unveiled to international press next week at E3, where it will be presented in every detail for the first time.
《罪与罚》在PS3,Xbox 360和PC上的开发非常迅速。由Frogwares开发的新侦探游戏借此机会推出这一系列的4个新截图,揭示了此游戏自上次露面以来的进步。这个福尔摩斯侦探调查游戏系列的新的雄心勃勃的冠军将于下周在E3展会上揭露,在那里它将首次详细展示游戏的各个方面。
Today's screenshots show that Crimes & Punishments definitely marks the biggest step ever made by the Sherlock Holmes games. Giving up their homemade engine in favor of Epic's Unreal Engine 3, Frogwares Studio first allows the game to benefit from richer, more immersive and detailed visuals, for both environments and characters.
However, this new engine not only benefits the game's graphics, and it also allows the development of new investigation mechanics: in total, the game offers 14 gameplay mechanics that we will be pelased to present in more detail through screenshots and videos in the coming months. From the beginning of each of the 8 cases of the game, to the arrest of culprits and the moral choices that will be presented to the players, these new mechanics give the feeling that we ARE Sherlock Holmes, and enable them to fully use the incredible talents and gifts known to all fans, such as his skill to guess many details about someone's life simply by glancing at them - or to imagine and reconstruct the course of event by carefully observing all the key details of a crime scene.
With the Testament of Sherlock Holmes, the series of video games dedicated to the famous detective marked a notable step in its history by dropping the traditional PC adventure games' gameplay in favor of a real investigation experience on consoles and PC.
With Crimes & Punishments, the series will mark a new milestone, as the development studio Frogwares will give up its home-made engine in order to switch to the well-known Unreal Engine 3 from Epic.
This choice will first allow the game to benefit from bigger environments that are more gorgeous and more varied, all while offering an incredible level of detail: dynamic lighting, shaders, post-processing effects, animations... the game is an all-around winner, as illustrated in the very first presentation video of the new engine of Sherlock Holmes's latest game, which we're sending you today.
This new engine not only benefits the game's graphics: it also allows the development of new investigation mechanics that the previous engine's limitations did not permit. These new mechanics give the player the feeling that they ARE Sherlock Holmes, and enables them to fully use the incredible talents and gifts known to all fans, such as his skill to guess many details about the someone's life simply by glancing at them - or to imagine and reconstruct the course of event by carefully observing all the key details of a crime scene.
Crimes & Punishments will begin showcasing these unique features in the coming weeks through videos and presentations of the game. Crimes & Punishments will also be presented in more detail at E3 2013.
犯罪及惩罚将开始展示这些独特的功能,在未来的几周内通过游戏的视频演示。犯罪与处罚也将更详细地介绍了在E3 2013。
Crime doesn't take a vacation... and neither does Sherlock Holmes! You can now watch the first real teaser for Crimes & Punishments, the new Sherlock Holmes investigation coming soon on PlayStation®3, Xbox 360® and PC.
犯罪不休假…并不是福尔摩斯!你可以看的第一个真正的挑逗性犯罪和处罚,新福尔摩斯的调查很快®PlayStation 3,Xbox 360和PC®
Having made a great impression at E3 in Los Angeles last month, an intriguing video will now reveal a little more of Crimes & Punishments: crime scenes, suspects and a Sherlock Holmes determined to see the guilty behind bars. Immerse yourself in the heart of London at the side of this famous detective, already hot on the heels of dangerous criminals… but has he actually found the real culprits?
Crimes & Punishments marks the most important stage in the Sherlock Holmes series. The decision by Frogwares studios to switch from the in-house engine to the Epic Unreal Engine 3 enables a much richer, more immersive and detailed rendering of both the environments and characters, which is immediately apparent from the summer teaser!
But the change of game engine has not only improved the graphics; new investigation techniques have been developed and the game can now offer 14 game mechanics. From the opening of each of the eight investigations up to the arrest of the culprits and the moral dilemmas faced by the
players, the new game mechanics convey the feeling of BEING Sherlock Holmes. Players will therefore be able to exploit the incredible gifts and talents for which he is renowned, such as his ability to guess the details of an individual’s life simply by observing them, or to imagine and reconstruct a past event by studying the key features of a crime scene.
操作系统:Windows Vista/7/8
处理器:Pentium D 820 2.8GHz / Athlon LE-1640
显卡:GeForce 510 / Radeon HD 5450 512MB