Not a swimming pool It's an ocean
Dive in that cash like l'm chosen
That my 24 karat got you frozen ya
He'll be on the surface Lur lurkin'
Overheated up That gon' make me nervous
水里呼吸着 扇动不属于我的翅膀
Now he can start the fishing buy me another-round
Diamonds on me like I'm fresh outta water
A Mariner
刘柏辛,原名刘昱妤,1998年出生于湖南省长沙市,中国内地流行女歌手。刘柏辛唱跳俱佳 ,她虽然看起来拽拽的,却有着和年龄不符的成熟。刘柏辛有着纯正的外语发音,而充满国际感的歌词和唱腔,前卫和时尚感以及小小年纪就走南闯北的青少年文化意识,则使她从同时代的人中脱颖而出。