
#电影节# 0 0
圣地亚哥国际儿童电影节又称圣迭戈国际儿童电影节,创办于2003年,是美国顶级的国际儿童电影节之一。圣地亚哥国际儿童电影节连续4年被评为美国最好的国际儿童电影节,在国际电影界尤其是作为 “国际儿童电影节”极具影响力。该电影节的评委中有70%是来自好莱坞的专业影评人,还包括20%的非专业人士和10%的儿童评委。
  • 中文名: 圣地亚哥国际儿童电影节
  • 外文名: San Diego International Kids' Film Festival
详细介绍 PROFILE +



2018年放映了来自39个国家的150部电影,4个专业论坛涵盖剧本,合拍,发行及电影融资。16个国家代表团飞赴美国出席电影节活动。奥斯卡奖提名导演John R. Dilworth 新片“Kevin the Very Old Rabbit "获得评委会奖。



Award 奖项 Winner 获奖者

Special Jury Award Sihja, the Rebel Fairy (Finland)

Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature SpiderMable (Canada)

Grand Jury Prize - Best Short "Are You Okay?" (USA)

Best Director in Feature Mariusz Palej @Black Mill (Poland)

Best Youth-made Ruth & Nick: A Confectionery Tale (USA)

Best Kids-made Film Run (Australia)

Best Family Feature Film Mara Pappa Superhero (My Father Superhero) (India)

Best Family Short Film Junga the Dancing Yeti Meets Heidi (USA)

Best Musical Film Coppelia (USA)

Best Animated Short Film The Lion Star (USA)

Best Documentary Film Children of Disease (USA)

Best Drama Feature Film Pirate's Soul (Russian Federation)

Best Drama Short Film Milk (New Zealand)

Best Leading Actor Award ABHINAY BANKER(India)

Best Kid Performance Tingxuan Jiang (China)

Best Student Film Haphephobia (USA)

Best Educational Short Film Two Different Kinds of Love (USA)

Best Cinematography The Danger in Front (Canada)

Best Costume Design The Flyman (India)

Best Fantasy Feature Film Black Mill (Poland)

Best Fantasy short Film Space Bears - The Movie (USA)

Best Comedy Film Short The Wolf Pack (Germany)

Best Animation Pilot The Jungle Tale - "An Ordinary Life Until..." (USA)

Culture Heritage Film Award Hanna's Shabbath Dress (Israel)

Best Music Video Dreamworld (USA)

Best Original Score Pops is Tops (USA)

Best Feature Screenplay The Peculiar Predicaments of the Mississippi River Rats (USA)

Best Foreign Screenplay The Running Clouds (China)

Young Performers Award Siyuan Liu, Pianist


Award 奖项 Winner 获奖者

Special Jury Award The Three King's Children (Germany)

Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature Smoky Mountain Rescue (USA)

Grand Jury Prize - Best Short Hello Africa (Turkey)

终身成就奖 于蓝 (China)

Best Director in Feature Hervé Baillargeon from “Off (La panne)” (Canada)

Best Director in Short Marek Skrobecki from “The Treflik Family” (Poland)

Best Youth-made Feature Miss Perception (USA)

Best Youth-made Short Elsagate (USA)

Best Kids-made Film The Butler and the Ball (Canada)

Best Family Feature Film Selfie Mummy Google Daddy (India)

Best Family Short Film Grandmas Secret (Germany)

Best Animated Future Film Ginger’s Tale (Russian Federation)

Best Animated Short Film The Peak (Japan)

Best Documentary Short Girls Should Stay at Home (India)

Best Drama Feature Film The Bamboo Hat (China)

Best Drama Short Film Bananas Girl (USA)

Best Leading Actor Award Nathaniel Matulessya (Myanmar)

最佳女主角 吴艳姝-《红尖尖》 (China)

Best Kid Performance Adèle Marie-Alix (Gabrielle (USA)

Best Student Film Alien (Hong Kong)

最佳教育短片 孟母三迁(China)

Culture Heritage Film Award The Tattooed Torah (USA)

Make A Difference Award Amazing Kids - In their own words (UK)

Best Adventure Feature The Shocklosers Survive Camp Analog (USA)

Best Adventure Short Dolium Péplum (France)

Best Comedy Black Coffee & White Chocolate (USA)

Best TV Episode for Kid Mimi Meets Books (Taiwan)

Best TV Series Glitter Model - Season 3 (Brazil)

Best Fantasy Film My Tagalong (Canada)

Best Cinematography Cat (USA)

Best Costume Design Lost on Barduino (USA)

Best Music Video I Wanna Be An Eagle (USA)

Best Original Score Dream sheep (Colombia)

Best Screenplay in Feature Full Gas (Israel)

Best Screenplay in Short Red Balloon (Canada)

Young Performers Award Thomas Farm Films (USA)

Rising Stars Award Daehoon Chung of “Movie Mayhem (USA)

Best Feature Screenplay Grow Home (Australia)

Best Short Screenplay The Bike (USA)

Best Mysterious Screenplay Here Be Dragons! (USA)

Best Adventure Short Screenplay Asta's Journey (USA)


Award 奖项 Winner 获奖者

Special Jury Award  Appu in Search of Truth (India)

Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature Snow White and the Magic of the Dwarves (Germany)

Grand Jury Prize - Best Short Star Wars: The Toys Awakened (USA)

Best Director Vedanti Chandrakant Dani - Dam Wall (India)

Best Youth-made Film Walking for Water (USA)

Best Kids-made Film Hungry Dinosaur (USA)

Best Family Feature Film Frank and Fearless (South Africa)

Best Family Short Film Flourish (USA)

Best Mix Media Max Topas: Book of the Crystal Children (Germany)

Best Animated Feature Film The Last Fiction (Iran)

Best Animated Short Film Contos Divertidos Os 3 Porquinhos (Brazil)

Best Documentary Feature Film Miles to Go (Germany)

Best Documentary Short Film Never Give Up: The Journey of Bassett Robotics (USA)

Best Drama Feature Film Magic Ram (Algeria)

最佳剧情短片 《陪读少年》 (中国)

Best Comedy Short Film Chocolate Chip Cookies (USA)

Best Kid Performance in Feature Film Sanaa Giwa - Afterlife (Netherland)

Best Kid Performance in Short Film Atticus Guo - Lover Never Forgets (USA)

Best Student Film Headphone (USA)

Best Educational Film Heroes Around Me: Ma and Pa (USA)

最佳剧本 《羽》(中国)

Young Performer Award Flamenco with Roots Performing Arts (USA)

Make a Difference Award Say Something (Australia)

Screenplay Contest - Feature Screenplay Mythatania (USA)

Screenplay Contest - Short Screenplay Atoms (USA)

Culture Heritage Film Award Arapaho Truths (USA)

最佳女配角 钟小丹《无辜囚徒 》(中国)

Maeya Angel Ambassador Lucas Yang

最佳新星奖 胡又尘《羽》(中国)

Best Original Song Love is the Only River (USA)



Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature Lilly the Little Fish (Bulgaria)

Grand Jury Prize - Best Short Gone With The World (Taiwan)

Special Jury Award Kevin the Very Old Rabbit (USA)

Best Director Daniel ChubaBy Surprise Island (Colombia/Guatemala/Korea/USA)

Best Family Feature Film Sandalwood Plant (India)

Best Animated Feature Film Harvie and the Magic Museum (USA)

Best Animated Short Film Glitter Model (Brazil)

Best Drama Feature Film Where the Dream Sleep (Brazil)

Best Drama Short Film Little Match Girl (Sweden)

Best Documentary Feature Happiness Refugee (Korea)

Best Documentary Short Foster Creativity (USA)

Best Mix Media Film Buddy Bear's Musical Adventure (USA)

Best Director in Youth-made Film Diana Zhang, Eason Wangby Dog Tag (USA)

Best Youth-made Film The Wrong's Worldless World (USA)

Best Kids-made Film Sharing Tranquility (USA)

Best Student Film Danielle's Boat (USA)

Best Educational Film Little Cousin (USA)

最佳演员奖 王宁 《求鲤》 

Best Kid Performance in Short Film Sage TrouseybyReach for the Pickles (USA)

最佳剧本奖 Time (China) 时间

新星奖 班嘉佳《放学后联盟》 

Make A Difference Award Hungry (USA)

Culture Heritage Film Award Go to Heaven Alive(China) 要活着去天堂


最佳儿童演员奖 张子健《放学后联盟》 

美雅天使奖 康恒嘉、李淑琪、朱雅纯

Best Original Film Song Contest Meng ZhangbyLying On Ice For Carps 张檬 (电影“求鲤”)


Best Art Star Award ZhangJunnan张君楠


Screenplay Contest - A Talk Show Boy (China) 主持男孩

Foreign Screenplay




Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature 1st Semester  (Philippines)

Grand Jury Prize - Best Short Pool Shark (USA)

Special Jury Award Tanguito Argentino (Argentina)

Best Youth-made Film What Single People Do (USA)

Best Kids-made Film Black Water (India)

Best Animated Feature Film Barkley (China | Taiwan)

Best Animated Short Film Jingliks (Russia)

Best Kid Performance in Feature Film Baby Jhanavi (Shaanu - The Optimist)

Best Kid Performance in Short Film Lilith Max (The Chocolate Soldier)

Best Student Film Kizuna (USA)

Rising Star Award 新星奖 Chenling Zhu (Fake Guardians) 朱晨灵(冒牌监护人)

Young Performer Award  最佳少儿表演奖 Zimo Zhu, Lu Xin, Yuze Qian, Junhao Liu, Sixiang Li

朱子墨 辛璐 钱雨泽 刘君豪 李思想

Best Musical Film August (USA)

Best Family Feature Film The Kids from 62-F (USA)

Best Family Short Film The Rogue One: A Star Wars Toy Story (USA)

Best Documentary Feature High School 9-1-1 (USA)

Best Documentary Short Geijyutsu Wa Mirai (USA)

Best Drama Feature Film 最佳剧情长片 Another Me in the World (China) 世界上另一个我  (中国)

Best Drama Short Film The Boots (USA)

Make A Difference Award Anthems: A Journey Around the World (Canada)

Screenplay Contest - Feature Screenplay The Fields of Yaru (USA)

Screenplay Contest - Short Screenplay Minnie Noir (USA)

Screenplay Contest - Foreign Feature Screenplay 52 Hertz (China) 52赫兹(中国)编剧:孙思怡

剧本竞赛 - 最佳外语长篇剧本

Screenplay Contest - Foreign Short Screenplay Please Give Me True Love (China) 请给我真爱(中国)

剧本竞赛 - 最佳外语短篇剧本



Award奖项 Winner获得者

Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature Nuomi's Apple (China)糯米的苹果


Grand Jury Prize - Best Short Milvio (USA)

Special Jury Award Fluffy Marky - Vol 1 (Canada)

Best Youth-made Film Fairytale (USA)

Best Kids-made Film The Guardians of the World (Russia)

Best Animated Feature Film Blinky Bill: The Movie (Australia)

Best Animated Short Film Fox Tale (Korea)

Best Feature Screenplay Aurelie Laflamme: Somewhat Grounded (Canada)

Best Short Screenplay A Night at the Movies (USA)

Best Actor in A Leading Role最佳男主角 Mengnan Li - The Swinging Days (China)李梦男 (散养时代)

Best Actress in A Leading Role Jung Jae-yeon - Polaroid (Korea)

Best Kid Performance in Feature Film Murilo Quirino - The Dionti Family (Brazil/UK)

Best Kid Performance in Short Film Perry Chen Norman - The Monkey King Is In Town (USA)

Rising Star Award新星奖 Chunhao Lan蓝纯昊, Mingxuan Li李明轩, Lixuan Han韩丽轩, Yuanwei Wan万远蔚, Xinyan Shi施欣言

Best Musical Film The Lottery (USA)

Best Music Score in Feature Film Eagle-bone Flute & Saussurea Involucrata (China)鹰笛·雪莲


Best Music Score in Short Film Monkey King Hero is Back (China)大圣归来


Best Drama Feature Film B12 (Iran)

Best Drama Short Film The Autumn of Zao (France)

Best Family Feature Film Santa's Boot Camp (USA)

Best Family Short Film Closer Then They Appear (Russia)

Best Documentary Feature A Little Girl's Dream (Japan)

Best Documentary Short Chandler's Ark (USA)

Make A Difference Award Our World the Fight with Pollution (India)

Final Draft Prize for Screenplay Competition - Feature Screenplay Sparkles (USA) - Christine List

Foreign Original - Feature Screenplay Genius Plan (China) - Lidong Zhang “天才计划”---(张丽冬)


Final Draft Prize for Screenplay Competition - Short Screenplay The Fairy & The Princess (USA) - Bruna Matsin



Award Winner

Grand Jury Prize - Best Feature Feeling the Love Flute (China)《情笛之爱》(大陆)


Grand Jury Prize - Best Short 0 Gravity (Mexico)

Special Jury Award The Friends (Korea)

Best Kids-made Film The Water Bearer (UK)

Best Animated Feature Film Thunder and the House of Magic (Belgium)

Best Animated Short Film Rabbit and Deer (Hungary)

Student Film Award Zugzwang (Spain/USA)

Best Screenplay - Feature Feeling the Love Flute (China) 《情笛之爱》(大陆)


Best Screenplay - Short Dirty Laundry (USA)

Best Kid Actor Edward Dring - In the Coat's Pocket (Italy)

Best Kid Actress Nikki Hahn - The Hero Pose (USA)

Rising Star Award - Actor Liang-Yu Yang - A Time in Quchi (Taiwan)杨亮俞(台湾)


Rising Star Award - Actress Ting Rong - Little Sami (China)荣婷(大陆)


Best Mixed Media The Scrapman (Germany)

Best Comedy Film The Fog of Courage (USA)

Best Action Film Supermisil (Mexico)

Best Educational Feature Film The Call of Maiji Mountain (China)《麦积山的呼唤》(大陆)


Best Educational Short Film Cool Science (USA)

Best Original Score - Feature Yili River (China) 《伊犁河》(大陆)


Best Original Score - Short Strings (USA)

Culture Heritage Award文化传承片奖 Little Sami (China)《小沙弥》(大陆)

Best Costume Design Dreams of the Last Butterflies (USA)

Make A Difference Award Chinese White Dolphins' Fighting For The Oceans (Taiwan)

最佳精神奖 《白海豚之海洋保卫战》(中国台湾)

Final Draft Prize for Screenplay Competition Their World (China)《他们的世界》(大陆)




奖项 获奖者

评委会大奖–最佳长片 念书的孩子2 (中国)

评委会大奖–最佳短片 Shame and Glasses (意大利)

最佳导演 Renata Diniz - Requília (Relic)(巴西)

评委会特殊奖 The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec (法国)

最佳儿童制作影片 Art‘s Eyes (英国)

最佳动画 Slowly but Surely (美国)

学生电影动画奖 Mirage (美国)

最佳纪录片 Crocodiles without Saddles (德国)

最佳家庭片 小等 (中国)

最佳特效奖 Sign of Dragon (美国)

最佳儿童男演员–短片 Mirko Talon - Shame and Glasses (意大利)

最佳儿童女演员–短片 Laurie Bissonnette - Gaspé Copper (加拿大)

最佳儿童男演员–长片 李佳奇 – 念书的孩子2 (中国)

最佳儿童女演员–长片 空缺

最佳演员 Dimer Camargo Monteiro - Requília (Relic)(巴西)

最佳剧本–长片 空缺

最佳剧本–短片 Spaghetti for Two (德国)

教育影片电影奖 守望一生(中国)

Make A Difference奖 Gutty (伊朗)

实验电影奖– 长片 一张钞票 (中国)

实验电影奖– 短片 Just Grate (美国)

剧本竞赛Final Draft 奖 玫瑰仙子传奇 (中国)

盛开的季节 (中国)




最佳儿童影片:《念书的孩子》”the reading boy “

最佳动画片(外语):《浩昊3战怪怪城》 “haohao’s3 visit in the strange city”

最佳故事短片(外语):《幸福微笑》”happy smile”

精神奖:《预备跑》”ready to run”


最佳导演奖(外语):谭力耕《白忙和》”busy for nothing”

最佳儿童演员奖:李佳奇《念书的孩子》”thereading boy” 

最佳表演奖(外语):黄禾苗苗《我要回家》”Looking forward to Home”

最佳电影音乐奖(外语):余龙《颍河岸畔的春天》” Spring along the ying river”



最佳家庭电影奖:《琴动我心》(The Story of a piano)

最佳演员奖:高曙光《琴动我心》 ( The Story of a piano)

最佳教育奖:《心灵阳光》 ( Sunshine in your heart)

最佳艺术奖:《幸福的白天鹅》 (The Happiness Swan)

最佳儿童电影奖:《骏马少年》 ( Boy on horseback)

最佳新人导演奖:诺明花日《天边》 (Horizon)

最佳儿童演员奖:林一佳《心灵之舞》( Dance by the mind)



外语电影最佳儿童片奖:《新年真好》(New Year is Really Nice)

外语电影最佳合成片奖:《尼玛的夏天》(Nima's Summer)

外语电影最佳演艺奖:《春雨沙沙》 (The Rain in The Spring)

外语动漫电影最佳创意奖:《浩昊大闹无字城》(Haohao Makes Havoc in Wordless City)

外语电影最佳精神奖:《遥远的诺邓》(A Village So Far Away)



全片优秀奖:《鹤乡谣》( Crane Ballad)

全片优秀奖:《明星梦》( I Wanna Be a Star)

全片优秀奖:《东方狮王》(Oriental King Lion)

最佳电影摄影奖:于小军《鹤乡谣》 (Crane Ballad)

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全球著名十大电影节 世界电影节盘点 最有名的电影节是哪个
世界十大动画电影节排名 国际动漫电影节有哪些 全球著名动漫节推荐
世界十大青年电影节排名 国际著名青年电影展有哪些
世界十大大学生电影节排名 国际著名大学生电影节有哪些
大学生电影节是传承、发展电影艺术的重要途径,也是挖掘新电影人才的重要平台。热爱电影的你,知道世界上最有名的大学生电影节有哪些吗?本文中买购小编将带领大家看看世界十大大学生电影节排名榜单,了解下波茨坦国际大学生电影节、北京大学生电影节、Next Frame大学生电影节、威尼斯大学短片电影节等各国大学生电影节。
世界十大儿童电影节排名 国际儿童电影节有哪些 各国儿童电影节盘点
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中国十大音乐节 中国最好的音乐节有哪些 领悟音乐节的魅力
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全球十大著名电音节 世界顶级电音节排名 全球最火电音节盘点
要说现场氛围最嗨的音乐节,那一定非电子音乐节莫属,尤其是那些世界级电音节,简直分分钟嗨爆你的听觉与视觉。那么世界顶级电音节有哪些?全球最火的电音节是哪个?下面,Maigoo小编就为大家分享全球十大著名电音节,包括Tomorrowland、Ultra Music Festival、Electric Daisy Carnival等等,一起来看看吧。
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世界十大著名纪念日 世界纪念性节日 国际主要纪念节日有哪些
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除了国外家喻户晓的德国慕尼黑啤酒节外,国内也有很多知名的啤酒节狂欢活动,那么,中国著名的啤酒节有哪些?MAIGOO小编为你盘点中国十大啤酒节活动,包括青岛国际啤酒节、哈尔滨国际啤酒节、大连国际啤酒节、广州(珠江)国际啤酒节、西安国际啤酒节、中国(南京)精酿啤酒节 、成都啤酒节、北京燕京啤酒文化节、深圳世界之窗啤酒节等国内著名啤酒节庆活动,其中,青岛国际啤酒节、哈尔滨国际啤酒节、大连国际啤酒节并称为“中国三大啤酒节”,一起来看看吧。