联合国发布2022世界各国人口出生率 世界各国出生率排名 世界出生率排行榜

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  • 根据联合国发布的《2022年世界人口展望》报告,2022出生率最高的十大国家为尼日尔、乍得、索马里、中非共和国、刚果、马里、安哥拉、尼日利亚、乌干达、莫桑比克。世界出生率最低的国家排名前十的有韩国、圣马力诺、日本、意大利、新加坡、安道尔、希腊、西班牙、中国、乌克兰。

排名 国家 Country 出生率(‰)
1 尼日尔 Niger 45.029
2 乍得 Chad 43.184
3 索马里 Somalia 43.086
4 中非共和国 Central African Republic 42.344
5 刚果 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.737
6 马里 Mali 41.217
7 安哥拉 Angola 38.2
8 尼日利亚 Nigeria 36.611
9 乌干达 Uganda 36.215
10 莫桑比克 Mozambique 36.121
排名 国家 Country 出生率(‰)
1 韩国 Republic of Korea 5.515
2 圣马力诺 San Marino 5.936
3 日本 Japan 6.576
4 意大利 Italy 6.903
5 新加坡 Singapore 7.1
6 安道尔 Andorra 7.204
7 希腊 Greece 7.431
8 西班牙 Spain 7.497
9 中国 China 7.544
10 乌克兰 Ukraine 7.659
区域/国家/地区 出生率(‰)
WORLD 16.801
Sub-Saharan Africa 34.228
Northern Africa and Western Asia 20.811
Central and Southern Asia 18.107
Eastern and South-Eastern Asia 10.033
Latin America and the Caribbean 14.577
Oceania (excluding Australia and New Zealand) 24.257
Australia/New Zealand 11.646
Europe and Northern America 9.754
More developed regions 9.491
Less developed regions 18.192
Least developed countries 30.951
Less developed regions, excluding least developed countries 15.615
Less developed regions, excluding China 21.154
Land-locked Developing Countries (LLDC) 30.763
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) 16.986
High-income countries 9.729
Middle-income countries 16.125
Upper-middle-income countries 10.448
Lower-middle-income countries 20.297
Low-income countries 34.27
No income group available 15.575
AFRICA 32.119
Eastern Africa 32.814
Burundi 34.109
Comoros 28.887
Djibouti 21.911
Eritrea 28.426
Ethiopia 31.835
Kenya 27.54
Madagascar 30.595
Malawi 32.611
Mauritius 10.21
Mayotte 32.972
Mozambique 36.121
Réunion 14.337
Rwanda 29.474
Seychelles 15.031
Somalia 43.086
South Sudan 28.857
Uganda 36.215
United Republic of Tanzania 35.811
Zambia 34.127
Zimbabwe 30.086
Middle Africa 39.541
Angola 38.2
Cameroon 34.352
Central African Republic 42.344
Chad 43.184
Congo 30.175
Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.737
Equatorial Guinea 29.865
Gabon 26.803
Sao Tome and Principe 27.974
Northern Africa 22.65
Algeria 20.572
Egypt 22.107
Libya 17.298
Morocco 17.161
Sudan 33.027
Tunisia 15.6
Western Sahara 16.325
Southern Africa 20.032
Botswana 23.036
Eswatini 23.642
Lesotho 25.778
Namibia 26.921
South Africa 19.31
Western Africa 35.628
Benin 36.071
Burkina Faso 34.952
Cabo Verde 16.686
Côte d'Ivoire 33.492
Gambia 32.696
Ghana 27.08
Guinea 33.855
Guinea-Bissau 30.611
Liberia 30.996
Mali 41.217
Mauritania 32.953
Niger 45.029
Nigeria 36.611
Saint Helena 7.472
Senegal 32.067
Sierra Leone 30.788
Togo 31.48
ASIA 14.166
Central Asia 22.412
Kazakhstan 20.754
Kyrgyzstan 23.326
Tajikistan 26.025
Turkmenistan 20.755
Uzbekistan 22.433
Eastern Asia 7.517
China 7.544
China, Hong Kong SAR 5.606
China, Macao SAR 10.044
China, Taiwan Province of China 7.799
Dem. People's Republic of Korea 13.058
Japan 6.576
Mongolia 20.447
Republic of Korea 5.515
Southern Asia 17.942
Afghanistan 35.143
Bangladesh 17.48
Bhutan 12.332
India 16.267
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 13.242
Maldives 13.638
Nepal 20.165
Pakistan 27.233
Sri Lanka 13.781
South-Eastern Asia 16.175
Brunei Darussalam 13.493
Cambodia 18.969
Indonesia 16.196
Lao People's Democratic Republic 21.46
Malaysia 15.016
Myanmar 16.833
Philippines 21.618
Singapore 7.1
Thailand 8.806
Timor-Leste 24.611
Viet Nam 14.689
Western Asia 19.183
Armenia 11.7
Azerbaijan 11.941
Bahrain 11.454
Cyprus 10.023
Georgia 13.099
Iraq 27.035
Israel 19.337
Jordan 21.616
Kuwait 9.727
Lebanon 14.576
Oman 17.706
Qatar 9.091
Saudi Arabia 16.919
State of Palestine 27.69
Syrian Arab Republic 20.531
Türkiye 14.468
United Arab Emirates 9.888
Yemen 29.919
EUROPE 9.169
Eastern Europe 9.249
Belarus 9.165
Bulgaria 8.352
Czechia 9.688
Hungary 9.46
Poland 9.27
Republic of Moldova 12.148
Romania 9.988
Russian Federation 9.539
Slovakia 9.825
Ukraine 7.659
Northern Europe 10.128
Denmark 10.917
Estonia 10.118
Faroe Islands 15.084
Finland 8.518
Guernsey 9.827
Iceland 12.256
Ireland 11.472
Isle of Man 8.584
Jersey 10.478
Latvia 8.912
Lithuania 9.504
Norway 9.96
Sweden 10.835
United Kingdom 10.039
Southern Europe 7.56
Albania 10.116
Andorra 7.204
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8.278
Croatia 8.415
Gibraltar 10.564
Greece 7.431
Holy See ...
Italy 6.903
Kosovo (under UNSC res. 1244) 11.068
Malta 9.115
Montenegro 10.934
North Macedonia 9.547
Portugal 7.796
San Marino 5.936
Serbia 9.211
Slovenia 8.89
Spain 7.497
Western Europe 9.776
Austria 9.451
Belgium 10.048
France 10.416
Germany 9.139
Liechtenstein 9.202
Luxembourg 10.349
Monaco 8.775
Netherlands 10.336
Switzerland 9.917
Caribbean 15.276
Anguilla 9.447
Antigua and Barbuda 11.984
Aruba 7.178
Bahamas 11.379
Barbados 10.783
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 10.651
British Virgin Islands 7.64
Cayman Islands 9.767
Cuba 8.889
Curaçao 11.435
Dominica 13.278
Dominican Republic 18.111
Grenada 15.616
Guadeloupe 11.404
Haiti 23.146
Jamaica 11.531
Martinique 9.536
Montserrat 9.071
Puerto Rico 8.033
Saint Barthélemy 8.352
Saint Kitts and Nevis 11.823
Saint Lucia 11.316
Saint Martin (French part) 14.414
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 12.726
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 8.152
Trinidad and Tobago 11.382
Turks and Caicos Islands 12.27
United States Virgin Islands 11.212
Central America 15.858
Belize 17.763
Costa Rica 11.686
El Salvador 15.803
Guatemala 20.861
Honduras 20.85
Mexico 14.636
Nicaragua 20.018
Panama 17.4
South America 13.981
Argentina 13.794
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 21.599
Brazil 12.649
Chile 11.755
Colombia 13.921
Ecuador 16.583
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 11.088
French Guiana 24.913
Guyana 19.897
Paraguay 20.328
Peru 17.376
Suriname 17.983
Uruguay 10.419
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 15.573
Bermuda 7.503
Canada 9.814
Greenland 14.092
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 7.575
United States of America 11.033
OCEANIA 15.483
Australia/New Zealand 11.646
Australia 11.5
New Zealand 12.378
Melanesia 24.754
Fiji 19.131
New Caledonia 14.135
Papua New Guinea 25.112
Solomon Islands 29.322
Vanuatu 28.968
Micronesia 19.791
Guam 16.374
Kiribati 26.723
Marshall Islands 18.524
Micronesia (Fed. States of) 20.684
Nauru 26.785
Northern Mariana Islands 12.183
Palau 14.934
Polynesia 19.061
American Samoa 17.12
Cook Islands 16.11
French Polynesia 12.55
Niue 14.007
Samoa 26.997
Tokelau 18.543
Tonga 22.894
Tuvalu 23.318
Wallis and Futuna Islands 11.61
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