联合国发布2022世界各国死亡率 全球各国死亡率排名 世界人口死亡率排行榜

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  • 根据联合国发布的《2022年世界人口展望》报告,全球各国死亡率排名前十的国家为保加利亚、乌克兰、摩纳哥、塞尔维亚、立陶宛、摩尔多瓦、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯、匈牙利、白俄罗斯。死亡率最低的十大国家有卡塔尔、阿拉伯联合酋长国、巴林、科威特、沙特阿拉伯、马尔代夫、阿曼、巴勒斯坦、约旦、阿尔及利亚。

排名 国家 Country 死亡率(‰)
1 保加利亚 Bulgaria 22.877
2 乌克兰 Ukraine 21.4
3 摩纳哥 Monaco 19.42
4 塞尔维亚 Serbia 18.96
5 立陶宛 Lithuania 17.496
6 摩尔多瓦 Republic of Moldova 16.609
7 罗马尼亚 Romania 16.437
8 俄罗斯 Russian Federation 16.339
9 匈牙利 Hungary 15.519
10 白俄罗斯 Belarus 15.49
排名 国家 Country 死亡率(‰)
1 卡塔尔 Qatar 1.08
2 阿拉伯联合酋长国 United Arab Emirates 1.865
3 巴林 Bahrain 2.476
4 科威特 Kuwait 2.606
5 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia 2.752
6 马尔代夫 Maldives 2.777
7 阿曼 Oman 3.279
8 巴勒斯坦 State of Palestine 3.854
9 约旦 Jordan 3.957
10 阿尔及利亚 Algeria 4.329
区域/国家/地区 死亡率(‰)
WORLD 8.413
Sub-Saharan Africa 8.903
Northern Africa and Western Asia 5.462
Central and Southern Asia 8.229
Eastern and South-Eastern Asia 7.803
Latin America and the Caribbean 7.584
Oceania (excluding Australia and New Zealand) 6.375
Australia/New Zealand 6.771
Europe and Northern America 11.545
More developed regions 11.535
Less developed regions 7.819
Least developed countries 7.267
Less developed regions, excluding least developed countries 7.931
Less developed regions, excluding China 7.94
Land-locked Developing Countries (LLDC) 7.375
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) 7.608
High-income countries 9.558
Middle-income countries 8.261
Upper-middle-income countries 8.044
Lower-middle-income countries 8.42
Low-income countries 7.723
No income group available 8.063
AFRICA 8.382
Eastern Africa 7.048
Burundi 7.311
Comoros 8.528
Djibouti 8.962
Eritrea 6.727
Ethiopia 6.497
Kenya 7.83
Madagascar 6.799
Malawi 6.934
Mauritius 9.69
Mayotte 2.966
Mozambique 8.611
Réunion 5.644
Rwanda 5.847
Seychelles 8.85
Somalia 11.012
South Sudan 10.745
Uganda 5.579
United Republic of Tanzania 5.959
Zambia 6.716
Zimbabwe 8.943
Middle Africa 9.124
Angola 7.863
Cameroon 8.225
Central African Republic 11.003
Chad 12.157
Congo 7.275
Democratic Republic of the Congo 9.352
Equatorial Guinea 8.708
Gabon 7.307
Sao Tome and Principe 5.838
Northern Africa 6.042
Algeria 4.329
Egypt 6.39
Libya 5.954
Morocco 5.766
Sudan 6.677
Tunisia 7.601
Western Sahara 6.299
Southern Africa 11.879
Botswana 6.897
Eswatini 11.883
Lesotho 14.069
Namibia 11.457
South Africa 12.032
Western Africa 10.373
Benin 9.323
Burkina Faso 8.662
Cabo Verde 5.659
Côte d'Ivoire 8.843
Gambia 7.137
Ghana 7.585
Guinea 9.87
Guinea-Bissau 8.597
Liberia 8.632
Mali 8.951
Mauritania 7.203
Niger 7.834
Nigeria 12.431
Saint Helena 17.944
Senegal 5.548
Sierra Leone 8.909
Togo 8.213
ASIA 7.813
Central Asia 6.929
Kazakhstan 10.184
Kyrgyzstan 5.978
Tajikistan 4.695
Turkmenistan 6.585
Uzbekistan 5.995
Eastern Asia 7.78
China 7.379
China, Hong Kong SAR 8.357
China, Macao SAR 4.256
China, Taiwan Province of China 7.496
Dem. People's Republic of Korea 9.353
Japan 12.655
Mongolia 5.479
Republic of Korea 6.605
Southern Asia 8.278
Afghanistan 6.906
Bangladesh 5.296
Bhutan 6.356
India 9.074
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 6.152
Maldives 2.777
Nepal 6.651
Pakistan 7.021
Sri Lanka 7.287
South-Eastern Asia 7.859
Brunei Darussalam 5.431
Cambodia 6.785
Indonesia 9.59
Lao People's Democratic Republic 6.195
Malaysia 5.443
Myanmar 8.749
Philippines 5.568
Singapore 4.991
Thailand 7.487
Timor-Leste 6.535
Viet Nam 6.831
Western Asia 4.949
Armenia 11.881
Azerbaijan 6.444
Bahrain 2.476
Cyprus 6.971
Georgia 15.197
Iraq 4.433
Israel 5.482
Jordan 3.957
Kuwait 2.606
Lebanon 8.857
Oman 3.279
Qatar 1.08
Saudi Arabia 2.752
State of Palestine 3.854
Syrian Arab Republic 5.047
Türkiye 5.101
United Arab Emirates 1.865
Yemen 6.824
EUROPE 12.756
Eastern Europe 16.496
Belarus 15.49
Bulgaria 22.877
Czechia 12.46
Hungary 15.519
Poland 12.557
Republic of Moldova 16.609
Romania 16.437
Russian Federation 16.339
Slovakia 12.95
Ukraine 21.4
Northern Europe 9.292
Denmark 9.458
Estonia 11.69
Faroe Islands 11.798
Finland 10.151
Guernsey 7.591
Iceland 6.728
Ireland 6.601
Isle of Man 10.461
Jersey 8.608
Latvia 15.479
Lithuania 17.496
Norway 7.747
Sweden 8.617
United Kingdom 9.098
Southern Europe 10.878
Albania 11.194
Andorra 6.293
Bosnia and Herzegovina 15.865
Croatia 13.282
Gibraltar 8.511
Greece 12.66
Holy See ...
Italy 10.671
Kosovo (under UNSC res. 1244) 5.709
Malta 7.287
Montenegro 11.543
North Macedonia 13.795
Portugal 10.983
San Marino 9.617
Serbia 18.96
Slovenia 9.788
Spain 9.077
Western Europe 10.558
Austria 9.473
Belgium 9.49
France 9.401
Germany 12.362
Liechtenstein 6.39
Luxembourg 7.042
Monaco 19.42
Netherlands 8.915
Switzerland 7.977
Caribbean 8.46
Anguilla 6.467
Antigua and Barbuda 6.094
Aruba 11.084
Bahamas 7.298
Barbados 9.114
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 10.307
British Virgin Islands 6.515
Cayman Islands 6.564
Cuba 9.852
Curaçao 9.31
Dominica 8.921
Dominican Republic 6.068
Grenada 7.942
Guadeloupe 10.223
Haiti 8.48
Jamaica 8.787
Martinique 9.143
Montserrat 11.259
Puerto Rico 11.169
Saint Barthélemy 5.593
Saint Kitts and Nevis 10.078
Saint Lucia 10.151
Saint Martin (French part) 5.101
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 14.004
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 7.836
Trinidad and Tobago 8.097
Turks and Caicos Islands 9.04
United States Virgin Islands 14.155
Central America 6.599
Belize 6.253
Costa Rica 7.113
El Salvador 8.173
Guatemala 6.767
Honduras 5.404
Mexico 6.705
Nicaragua 4.655
Panama 5.904
South America 7.898
Argentina 8.589
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 9.062
Brazil 8.139
Chile 7.199
Colombia 7.409
Ecuador 4.85
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 7.139
French Guiana 3.946
Guyana 9.762
Paraguay 7.437
Peru 7.505
Suriname 8.637
Uruguay 9.879
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 8.1
Bermuda 9.173
Canada 7.77
Greenland 8.945
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 12.03
United States of America 9.31
Australia/New Zealand 6.771
Australia 6.816
New Zealand 6.545
Melanesia 6.442
Fiji 8.235
New Caledonia 5.266
Papua New Guinea 6.459
Solomon Islands 4.888
Vanuatu 5.312
Micronesia 6.613
Guam 6.55
Kiribati 6.182
Marshall Islands 7.919
Micronesia (Fed. States of) 6.275
Nauru 6.582
Northern Mariana Islands 6.107
Palau 13.422
Polynesia 5.06
American Samoa 6.967
Cook Islands 8.429
French Polynesia 3.64
Niue 13.781
Samoa 5.45
Tokelau 7.297
Tonga 6.885
Tuvalu 10.103
Wallis and Futuna Islands 6.636
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